General Liability Insurance. No matter how you feel about insurance, if there is one class of insurance you must have, it is General Liability or Public & Products Liability Insurance.
If something goes wrong due to your negligence and you injure or cause property damage to someone then you must have Public Liability insurance.
You never know what can happen and you never know what a court may judge against you but, be rest assured, it will not be cheap! If nothing else can you imagine what the court costs and your defence costs will be?
Your peace of mind will be, knowing you have a General Liability insurance policy correctly in place for your business. Is your policy correctly set up to cover all your exposures? You don’t know?
Well you need to contact me straight away.
What is General Liability Insurance?
Good question.
A General Liability or Public & Products Liability policy wording states:
General Liability
“Your legal liability for Personal Injury, Property Damage or Advertising Injury caused by or arising out of an Occurrence happening in connection with Your Business other than Products Liability.
Products Liability
“Products Liability” means Your legal liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage caused by or arising out of any Products or the reliance upon a representation or warranty made at any time with respect to such Products.
So what does all that mean?
Well put simply, if you are deemed negligent and your negligence causes injury to someone, or damages someone’s property due to your business activities then your General Liability policy will respond.
What does Liability Insurance Cover?
General Liability insurance provides cover for your business and its liabilities to third parties for personal injury or property damage.
The trigger for cover under your General Liability policy is that your business must be found to be negligent. Your negligence is deemed if you have breached your duty of care. The breach of this duty of care could potentially make you liable for damages.
You owe a duty of care to pretty much everyone.
If you own a business then it would be reasonable to expect that you would receive clients or visit clients, also during this process you would more than likely come into contact with the general public. During these visits you have a duty of care or a responsibility to these visitors to ensure their safety and the safety of their property.
It is for this reason that you should ensure your liabilities are fully protected by insurance and the best way to achieve this is by taking out a General Liability or Public & Products Liability insurance policy.
No matter what type of business you have, there is a General Liability policy to meet your needs. We have a specific policy for you, as not all policies are the same and not all policies attract the same price! That is why you need an insurance broker who is a specialist and will know what the best policy is for your business.
Below is a list of business categories that have specific Public & Products Liability issues:
If you would like me to contact you in respect to obtaining a Public & Products Liability insurance policy or would like me to review the policy you presently have to ensure you are correctly covered, then just complete the form below or you can contact me directly here.